Latest News: UNESCO launches global eDNA project to study vulnerability of species to climate change at marine World Heritage.

WESTPAC Webinar Series on Ocean Acidification


  1. to share the latest scientific advance on ocean acidification, and its impacts on marine ecosystems and socio-economic development in the Western Pacific and beyond;
  2. to exchange knowledge on the state-of-the-art ocean acidification related research and monitoring methods, technologies, impact assessment and initiatives in the Western Pacific and beyond;
  3. to brainstorm an actionable plan for the WESTPAC Ocean Acidification Network for the next five to ten years, as a potential contribution to the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030) and the Global Ocean Acidification Observing Network (GOA-ON).

Webinar speakers will present:

  1. Ongoing or planned study(ies)/assessments related to ocean acidification and its impacts on marine ecosystem;
  2. How the study(ies) could contribute to addressing environmental, socio-economic challenges, such as climate knowledge, ecological services, seafood safety and security, and ecosystem health etc.;
  3. Concrete ideas/plans for conducting ocean acidification and its related studies jointly with others in the region, including any potential proposals for the UN Decade of Ocean Science.




2022, Ocean, WESTPAC




2022, Ocean, WESTPAC

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